
Follow Me on Twitter

Link to Ms. Allen's Twitter Page

I have updated my profile. You can follow me and see who else I am following. Instructions are below. Yes, I uploaded a picture. You do not have to use your phone at all, but if you do enable your phone, you will get texts for anyone you "follow."

Go to https://twitter.com and then type in “kimannetteallen” in the search box (“Find People”). You can also click the link above.


If you choose to sign up, which you must ask a parent's permission to do first, DO NOT USE YOUR LAST NAME! DO NOT POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ONLINE (you are a kid -- not appropriate -- choose your favorite pet, chocolate cake, etc.). Do not write anything in your biography. 

Then, when you search for me as "kimannetteallen," click on “follow.” You’ll now be my “follower.” Cool.

You can also search for other people or subjects. For example, I followed several people who might give me information about what was happening in Libya because this interests me right now, including the BBC World and a guy from NPR who has almost 30,000 followers. You can also follow pop stars...

You can "retweet" other people's tweets. If some of you have Twitter accounts, you can follow each other.

Totally optional: You’ll then have to follow the instructions for enabling your cell phone to receive texts or “tweets” from Twitter.

Here are the official instructions:

How do I add my phone to Twitter?

Add your phone to your account in your Twitter settings. Once you've added your phone to Twitter, just send the verification code in a text message to the Twitter phone number assigned to you in your settings page. Once your phone is verified, send Twitter a text message and we'll post it to your profile page and send it to your followers.

That will involve sending back a code they give you. You’ll get that code online, and then text Twitter back at 40404. Your phone will then be enabled for Twitter.

Once you do that, go back to your homepage on Twitter.com and find the person you are “following, me, that is, “kimannetteallen,” and go to “settings.”

Click for updates to be sent to your phone.

Make sure you have a text plan on your phone. If you have limited texts or have to pay for texts, you may not want to do this. Remember, going to Twitter online does not require texts or a phone.

And all of this is optional anyway.

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